Housing and dwelling among the Saho-speaking communities of Eritrea and Ethiopia. History, anthropology and lexicography

  • A cura di Vergari, Moreno
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This book is the results of field research among the Saho-speaking communities of Eritrea and Ethiopia by a linguists and anthropologists from the non-profit association “Ethnorêma”, the University of Naples L’Orientale, the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and local institutions. It is a product of the “Atlas of the Traditional Material Culture of the Saho” project, which aims at documenting the traditional material culture of the Saho, its variation and terminology across the different Saho-speaking communities of Eritrea and northern Ethiopia, and the more general dialect variation in phonology, grammar and the lexicon. In particular, this volume describes the Saho speakers’ knowledge of construction techniques and its lexicon, sociofamilial aspects related to dwelling and the daily activities associated in types of residences and their outbuildings. Comparison with research from the early 20th century provides a diachronic dimension, while the data elicited in some 20 different localities ensure synchronic depth, with a focus on dialectal variation. After a general introduction, Gianni Dore’s contribution is an extensive historical-anthropological description of these issues. Moreno and Roberta Vergari, and Ahmedsaad Mohammed Omer’s one is a rich encyclopedic lexicon of the terms related to dwelling and household activities.

  • Anno: 2022
  • Pagine: 399; ill.
  • Lingua: en ,other
  • ISBN (print): 978-88-5511-374-8
  • ISBN (online): 978-88-5511-375-5
  • Editore: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
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Housing and dwelling among the Saho-speaking communities of Eritrea and Ethiopia. History, anthropology and lexicography