Summary of Principal Italian Cartographic Productions

  • A cura di Scanu, Giuseppe
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The report, drawn up on occasion of the 30th International Cartography Conference, ICC2021, has been created to tell participants, in a synthetic way and through examples, about the world of cartography and the related activities carried out in Italy. The aim is to introduce guests to the situation of our cartography, starting with the five official State cartographic bodies, and continuing with various institutional activities in the field of digital data processing, scientific research applied to major risks, university geo-cartographic laboratories, teaching, and remote sensing.
This is an extreme synthesis in which each section and each paragraph recounts a productive aspect or outlines a state of affairs. It is a report designed to give a picture of the production and activities entailing cartographic intelligence and supply chains carried out by public and private institutions and bodies.

  • Anno: 2022
  • Pagine: 103
  • Lingua: en
  • ISBN (print): 978-88-5511-289-5
  • ISBN (online): 978-88-5511-290-1
  • Editore: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
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