Materiality and Identity. Selected papers from the proceedings of the ATrA Conferences of Naples and Turin 2015

  • A cura di Micheli, Ilaria
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In each and every discourse on issues such as contact, evolution, transition, migration, integration and encounter, identity plays a central role. Being a manifold, uneasily describable object in itself, identity represents a very difficult object of study and many scholars from different disciplines of the human sciences (psychologists, anthropologists, sociologists, philosophers and linguists) have tried in recent years to give their contribution to the debate born around it. In the two meetings organized in Naples, April 14th 2015 and Turin, October 8-9th 2015 in the framework of the ATrA project, the issue has been discussed by archaeologists, linguists, philologists and anthropologists specifically adopting the perspective of observing and discussing identity through a reflection on its material manifestations in transitional contexts (be it in terms of language, of economical exchanges or of traditional handicraft). This book is a collection of selected papers from those meetings.

  • Anno: 2016
  • Pagine: 168
  • Lingua: en ,it
  • ISBN (print): 978-88-8303-750-4
  • ISBN (online): 978-88-8303-751-1
  • Editore: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
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