
Cultures on the Screens: Family, Identity, Gender, and Language in Television Series

  • A cura di Buonomo, Leonardo; Trevisan, Piergiorgio
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€ 16.00
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Even though the study of television fiction emerged as a relevant field of study in the 1970s, it is especially in the last three decades that attention has increasingly focused on TV series as a sophisticated form of expression and a fertile ground for research into the cultural dynamics that govern the representation of cultural identity, class, race, ethnicity, gender, and the use of language. The present collection originates from a research project, financed by the Department of Humanities of the University of Trieste, whose findings were first shared and debated with scholars from other Italian academic institutions, as well as students and the general public, in the course of a twoday conference held at the “Stazione Rogers” in Trieste, on 15-16 October, 2021. It presents, in amply revised and expanded form, papers which were first presented in that venue and which are representative of a variety of approaches to the study of TV series. The book discusses such acclaimed TV series as The Americans, The Affair, Modern Family, Dragnet, and When They See Us.

  • Anno: 2022
  • Pagine: 133
  • Lingua: en
  • ISBN (print): 978-88-5511-370-0
  • ISBN (online): 978-88-5511-371-7
  • Editore: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
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