Architecture and Autism. Sensory Perception and Indipendent Living. Prooceedings of the International Workshop

The study day was proposed as a multidisciplinary comparison of the relationship between architecture and autism. The starting assumption was that this is not merely a relationship necessary to improve the living conditions of autistic people and their families, but also potentially useful to broaden the possibilities and viewpoints of architecture rather than limiting them. Some theoretical references are presented to support this hypothesis, which could guide the new technical possibilities which engineering and technology can make practicable to enrich the sensitive responsiveness of architecture.

  • Anno: 2022
  • Pagine: 104
  • Lingua: en
  • ISBN (print): 978-88-5511-303-8
  • ISBN (online): 978-88-5511-304-5
  • Editore: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
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